Food, Glorious Food
Happy Halloween!
Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! I am always thankful that we don't get kids in our neighbourhood and so go to a friend's place to trick or treat because it means I don't have to buy box after box of candy (inevitably the first box is eaten long before Halloween). The stuff my daughter brings home is plenty, especially after last weekend! I helped my sister host a house warming party and somehow we ended up with more food than any reasonable person could ever hope to consume. Believe me, I tried, which is why I really don't need ANY Halloween candy (not that it's stopping me).
My gorgeous girl as Mal from The Descendants. How is she so grown up already?!
Party Planning
Our planning for the house warming started off fairly tame. We knew we wanted the classics: veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, maybe some chips and salsa. But the list grew exponentially from there. Cheese and crackers became a full charcuterie board. Veggies and dip, well it stayed the same, but we added smoked salmon dip with garlic baguette crisps. Chips and salsa was too boring so we made sure to our own roasted salsa and attempted queso. I say attempted because it was only edible if constantly kept warm and, short of eating over the pot on the stove (which I'm not against under the right circumstances), it just wasn't feasible.
Oh and I can't forget that we added a smoked pork butt (with slaw and rolls), plus devilled eggs to the menu. And last, but definitely not least we did sous-vide egg yolks that were then battered and deep fried. Holy wow these things were amazing!! First you sous-vide the whole egg (I won't get into what sous-vide means but you can read about it here) then you separate the yolk from the white, which is definitely as gross a process as you'd expect but believe me it's worth it. Then you coat the yolks in heavily seasoned panko crumbs and stick them in the fridge until you need them. Then you deep fry them, and immediately devour them. They are the perfect consistency. A glorious jammy yolk. Not runny, but oozy (in a amazingly good way)! Yes, they are a bit of a pain to make but I can't wait to make them again.
I won't share the recipe here since you need specialized equipment but if anyone does want it then just let me know and I can add it!
I guess that's about all for now. I will be making some minor changes to the blog soon so bear with me if anything crashes! And I'll have my new logo up on the site asap. I hope you like it as much as I do. Cheers for now!
As always I want to see what you're baking so be sure to tag your Instagram photos with #ragebake