Cheers to 2019!


*Note: this post is one day late because I’m apparently a dummy who only hit “save” and not “save & publish” Apologies!

2018 was a pretty good year!! I spent a month in France with my family, eating all the pastries I could find. Brown Butter Toffee Chocolate Chip cookies were baked around the world more times than I can count. I got to watch Rick Martinez, from Bon Appétit, rave about the cookies while he baked them. Amazing! I have a daughter in the 4th grade. How did that happen?! And I’ve been able to spend much of my free time with family and friends, making food and sharing laughs. No complaints!


No big RageBake blog promises this year. I never stick to them, and then just wind up annoyed with myself. So this year, I guess, my resolution is simply to put a bit more time and effort into everything I take on. Time to trust in myself and aim a little higher this year.

Today, however is going to be a quiet day around here. We had some friends over for a fun night of games, drinks, snacks. Nothing too crazy but we’re all a bit tired today. Slept in, had a huge bacon and egg brunch, and am now grabbing a coffee and curling up with Michelle Obama’s Becoming (I’m almost halfway through and it’s very good so far). I expect it will be an early night around here and then tomorrow I’ll find something to bake and 2019 can truly begin. 

Thank you all for joining me for another treat filled year! Any thoughts on things we/I should attempt? Anything you’d like to see that I’ve not done? Comment below, send me an email, or find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Wishing you all a wonderful 2019!!  Happy Baking!
