Taco Tuesday

When it comes to tortillas there are typically two types of people: flour or corn. Yes, some like both. Yes, for some it depends on the filling. For me, I’m thoroughly ensconced in the flour camp. I will tolerate corn tortillas if there’s no other choice, but I will always choose flour if possible. When we lived in Texas it was easy to get our hands on really good tortillas at the grocery store. You could almost always find a sleeve of fresh, fluffy ones in the grocery store. But here in Canada it’s IMPOSSIBLE! None of the tortillas here are any good. They’re perfectly fine for quesadillas, an admitted favourite of mine, but they’re absolute crap for tacos. Probably why I’ve always opted for hard shells when making tacos at home. That’s a corn tortilla I can get behind.

Bacon Fat Tortilla

Okay, sorry, getting off topic a bit… back to flour tortillas…. specifically bacon fat tortillas. I came across this recipe years ago but for one reason or another never got around to making them. Fast forward to my sister’s house warming, nearly two years ago now, and she served them with a killer pulled pork. OMG so good! But again they got set aside in my mind and I forgot about them. Well not any more! Last night I had a mountain of leftover pork tenderloin, plus all the pieces needed for a killer pico de gallo. I’d also come across a serrano salsa that I couldn’t pass up at the grocery store, so had that kicking around as well. All this to say pork tacos was the obvious answer.

If you’re anything like me you likely have a jar of bacon fat in the fridge. And if you don’t, it’s time you get one! Just pour the drippings into a jar every time you make bacon. You won’t regret it! Having the jar means I don’t even have to wait for bacon to cook to make these tortillas. I just scoop out two tablespoons worth from my jar and proceed. Make the dough, wrap it tight, let it right, and then portion and toast. Yes, they take a bit more time than just opening a package, but if you have the time then I highly recommend making these. Leftovers can easily be rewarmed for breakfast tacos, or even makeshift beaver tails. To do that just warm the tortillas in melted butter and then dredge in cinnamon and sugar. So good!!

Bacon Fat Tortilla


Bacon Fat Flour Tortillas (recipe from Bon Appétit)

2 tbsp bacon fat*
2 tbsp + 1/2 tsp canola oil
1 1/4 C whole milk, divided
3 C (426 g) all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp kosher salt

In a small pot, over medium-low heat, bring the bacon fat, oil, and 3/4 C milk to a very slight simmer. Remove from heat immediately.

In a large bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, and kosher salt. Pour in the warm milk mixture, plus the remaining 1/2 C cold milk. Using a dough whisk, fork, or wooden spoon mix until a shaggy dough forms.

Dump onto a lightly floured surface and knead until you get a smooth ball. Wrap tightly in plastic and allow to rest for at least an hour (don’t recommend more than 2hrs).

Portion into 16 evenly sized pieces. Keeping the rest covered, roll out each piece into a very thin circle. (They will shrink back and fatten a little as they sit before toasting so I’d roll fairly thin at this point, but no none has ever complained about plump tortillas so choose the thickness you prefer.) Stack the rolled ones inside a towel, dusting each with flour to prevent them from sticking.

One by one in a dry cast iron pan over medium-low heat toast the tortillas until starting to brown, and bubble. Pop the bubbles, to allow the steam to escape, and flip to toast the second side. Stack in a towel to keep warm and soft while you toast off the remaining tortillas.

Serve warm with the fillings of your choice! Enjoy!

*If you don’t have a jar of bacon fat in the fridge cook off a few slices and pull 2 tbsp from the drippings. Bacon can then be used in your tacos.


As always I’d love to see what you’ve been baking! Comment below, send me an email, or tag @ragebake #ragebake on Instagram.